by allgrowth | Aug 23, 2018 | Company News
We worked with Horton Commercials just like that. We looked for commercially-available vehicles for our nursery needs: the right size and spec for us, not just the standard. Richard Hall at Horton got the gig because he got “us”. Our new vans – on the road...
by allgrowth | Jun 19, 2018 | Company News
Buy in bulk for the cheapest plants, right? We always say the nursery trade, growing plants, trees and hedging for others, is a peculiar one. Yes, it is in some ways – who else still works by fax machine?! – but it has lots of the same bugbears we all...
by allgrowth | Mar 5, 2018 | Company News
Great trees, great clients, great landscapes: 10 years on Ten years since we pulled on our allgrowth boots and one thing remains the same – our aim to support, advise and offer the best options to our clients when they are considering plant selection for their...
by allgrowth | Feb 12, 2018 | Company News
All too often, we hear of nurseries and plant suppliers simply offering the varieties and plants they have readily available in production rather than the RIGHT PLANT FOR WHAT THE CUSTOMER WANTS. At allgrowth, we apply plant logic from the offset. We look at the...
by allgrowth | Aug 31, 2017 | Company News
Taxus topiary at its best Selecting, prepping and nurturing our taxus topiary is never taxing. But it’s a precise business, shaping, trimming and lovingly fine-tuning our specimens ready for lifting and potting into airpots. This allows further healthy growth, ready...
by allgrowth | Apr 12, 2017 | Company News
Should you think outside the box blight? Box blight. A headline grabber? A scaremonger? Yes, if you plant box hedging, you might be at risk of falling foul to box blight (which is treatable, by the way). But if you choose another plant species, you might just be...