Beautifully planned and planted

A practical landscape with beauty and visual impact

“In April (2024), there was nothing here. Now we have an amazing outdoor space filled with colour, form and structure. Everyone who visits thinks it’s been established for years – it’s beautiful.”

The homeowners had been looking to build a new home within an area of land nestled deep in the Bedfordshire countryside. The land, previously a pony paddock, was flanked on each sound by hedging and peppered with a handful of established trees. Two previous attempts to gain planning had failed and the couple looking to build their own home were keen to meet all criteria to help get their dream home plans over the line. The key elements were access and visual impact within and beyond the area, and everything within their plans needed to be carefully considered with this in mind.

Multi-level outdoor space with visual impact

To realise the plans and ensure success at the third attempt, the couple engaged a local garden designer. Carefully detailing every element of the external works down to gravel choice and material specification, their plans were submitted and finally accepted after four years of trying. Works could then begin on translating the landscape plans, satisfying the planning conditions, maximising views out whilst minimising views in and any interruption of the visual amenity to the local environment.

“I love Peter’s honesty. If something isn’t going to work, he’ll explain why it won’t – and suggests alternatives that will.”

The outdoor living space needed to be functional to accommodate the construction of a pool and effectively screen the large expanse of the barn’s timber cladded structure. It would of course be beautifully planted to extend its visual appeal to the homeowners themselves as they looked out across it to the countryside views beyond.

Plant expertise in selection and sourcing

The homeowners knew of Peter and allgrowth’s horticultural expertise having worked with him on her garden at a previous property in the area. With the nursery local to both properties, the client could visit and select trees, topiary and specimens herself, guided by Peter’s 30-years of expert recommendations. Understanding the brief, the plans, the aspect and the soil conditions across the outdoor space, Peter was able to interpret and propose sensible options for screening, structure, form and ground cover.

The planting plans and landscape outlook was ever-evolving. As the building and pool construction progressed, the views across and from beyond became clearer, and with that a greater need for screening and privacy from both sides. The landscape itself was multi-levelled and this had to be considered in greater detail as the window placement and views became clearer.

“The contrast in forms from the pleached trees to the multi-stems trees; the topiary shapes; borders and underplanting – every element has purpose and appeal.”

Finding the best options on all levels

Visiting the development regularly with the clients, Peter could help assess heights and forms of trees and match with availability within the nursery’s breadth of larger container trees and topiary shapes – or a wider network of growers and suppliers where necessary. Selecting from allgrowth’s pleached tree stocks, Peter was able to propose certain heights to match and mask at the optimum levels. He was also mindful of the heavy clay ground into which they would be planted.

Evolving landscapes

As the landscape evolved, so did the plans, reducing the hard landscaping elements in favour of softer planted options for a more natural flow. New to the appeal of topiary and enthused by Peter’s promotion of the effect their shapes and forms could have on structure and flow, Mel chose some stunning specimens. As they were planted, their impact was instant, and the landscape began to take on a more mature feel, despite its recent creation.

“The allgrowth planting team were superb from start to finish: well-mannered, tidy and helpful.”

This evolution was clearly seen in the turfed banks at the sides of the pool and driveway. The client suggested planting these instead of grass, both for practicality of maintenance and for aesthetic appeal. Peter set to work with a planting design and from this, the beds were envisioned, filled with colour and foliage to create drama and movement in the wind. This softened the space and created a natural backdrop which would give interest across the seasons too.

The Plant Palette

Differing heights, shapes and borders were softened with planting in curves and swathes in contrast to the lines and structure of the pleached trees. An ever-moving feast, the planting choice was a blend of ideas from client and advisor. If the client wanted colour beneath the lollipop trees, Peter would suggest the deep red blends of heucheras, which worked really well.

“I love the softening we’ve achieved on the banked beds. The two multi-stem birch and poplars at the bottom corner are the first to sway in the winds – it’s very relaxing to sit and watch.”

Adapting and resolving

Along the way, Peter worked with the client to resolve any issues post-planting. Some of the trees were more waterlogged than expected due to the level changes and heavy clay soil. The allgrowth team returned to add drainage to the root area which helped alleviate the issue. One of the topiary trees did not establish as well as expected; this was replaced with a second option and is now thriving.

The finished landscape

From the clients perspective, the garden is faultless. It delivers on their brief to screen views and soften levels, creating a landscape with beauty and structure, lines and curves, that appears as a long-established garden rather than one completed this year.

“In April, there was nothing here. Now we have an amazing outdoor space filled with colour, form and structure. Everyone who visits thinks it’s been established for years – it’s beautiful. We didn’t want to wait 5-10 years – we wanted to enjoy the landscape vision from day one, and we do! I’ve loved Peter’s honesty throughout – if something isn’t going to work, he’ll explain why it won’t – and suggests alternatives that will. It wasn’t just Peter – the whole allgrowth planting team were superb from start to finish: well-mannered, tidy and helpful.”

“We love the contrast in forms from the pleached trees to the multi-stems trees; the topiary shapes; borders and underplanting – every element has purpose and appeal. I love the softening we’ve achieved on the banked beds and the multi-stem birch and poplars at the bottom corner are the first to sway in the winds – it’s very relaxing to just sit and take this in.”

allgrowth, September 2024